Bio compost
Bio compost is carbon-rich fertilizer. It comes from the composting company Compsoil, which specializes in composting. In collaboration, we provide bio compost, which is delivered directly to the agreed field or site, where the fertilizer adds phosphorus, nitrogen, and carbon to your soil. And it’s cheaper than commercial fertilizer.
Stable supply and better soil structure
Running a farm is expensive. We know that. But where can you save money without compromising? With bio compost, you can reduce your fertilizer costs. And you contribute to the recycling of phosphorus.
The result of using organic fertilizer like bio compost is better soil structure on your fields. Structure-improving fertilizer is important for root growth, rainwater drainage, and soil bearing capacity. It also optimizes the soil’s ability to absorb and release nutrients. Ultimately, you get the optimal yield from your crops.
Dalgas provides bio compost from Compsoil, ensuring proper handling and stable deliveries of alternative fertilizer.
What is bio compost?
By composting organic waste; sewage sludge, garden waste, and other residual products, you get bio compost. This results in a homogeneous and uniform compost mixture. Therefore, you do not need to incorporate the fertilizer into the soil after spreading. And you can spread it with regular spreading equipment.
The fertilizer complies with all limits for heavy metals and environmental contaminants as specified in the Waste to Soil Order. On the other hand, it has a good content of phosphorus and nitrogen.
Do you have questions about bio compost? Or are you unsure about our handling of the fertilizer? Contact one of our project managers today – we are ready to deliver to your field.
See on the fertilizer map what we can deliver in your area
Your contact
Kristian Schøler Kjeldsen
Should we contact you?
How we work with nature-based solutions
End-to-end solutions for your ESG strategy
Our Nature-Based Solutions restore ecosystems and promote sustainability through innovative actions. We develop tailored projects that benefit the environment and contribute to your company’s ESG strategy.
With a complete service – from advice to implementation and monitoring – we ensure that the projects are based on the latest knowledge and best practices. We help realise ambitious ecosystem restoration projects, ensure compliance, and create visible results that strengthen your ESG profile and brand.
How we work with biodiversity
A digital and data-driven approach
At Dalgas, we create habitats where different species can thrive and contribute to a healthy and robust ecosystem. A diverse ecosystem that promotes both nature’s and people’s well-being.
We combine data, scientific knowledge, and practical experience to ensure that your biodiversity project has a positive and lasting impact on nature. Therefore, documentation and monitoring are central elements in our work. And you can use the data in your ESG reporting.
Articles and inspiration
Den grønne trepart og skovrejsning
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Dalgas solves all types of green tasks in a range of different industries and sectors across services. We have the experience, machinery, and references that ensure you the best possible solution.