We are changing our name to Dalgas
On 1 October 2024, all business units under Hedeselskabet will change their name to Dalgas. This applies to HedeDanmark, HD 2412, HD NordicTrees, HD Silva, HD BioRec, HD Forest, HD Forest Germany, HD Seed, and HD LogSystems.
The reason for the change of name
We are changing our name to Dalgas to strengthen our business and ensure cohesion across our many activities. It will thus be easier for our customers and partners to understand the breadth of our business.
At the same time, we are creating a common visual identity for Hedeselskabet and the business and a common narrative that underscores who we are and what we stand for.
The name Dalgas also makes our work abroad less complicated, both because we gather the activities under one name - and because the name is easier to pronounce in other languages.
Connection between our history and new name
We are owned by Hedeselskabet. And our new name originates from one of the founders of Hedeselskabet, Enrico Mylius Dalgas, who has been synonymous with Hedeselskabet both at home and abroad since 1866. He was a forward-looking leader who was the driving force behind Hedeselskabet’s flourishing in the years after the war in 1864.
His professionalism and action-oriented, innovative approach to fulfilling the vision of better living conditions for the moorland farmers in the 19th century still forms the model for our work and business, where we work according to the vision of building a sustainable future – with nature as our partner.
We are still the same
The name change does not alter our business. We still develop and maintain what matters to you. The small outdoor areas and the large forest. The open country, the sea, and the city’s green oases.